
May 4, 2011

Is Social Media Ruining Students? (infographic)

Amplify’d from

Is Social Media Ruining Students?


  • Those that multitask between Facebook and studying have 20% lower grades

  • 79% of students surveyed don’t believe this

  • 85% of Facebook users worked less than 5hrs a week

  • 80% of non-Facebook users that worked over 16hrs a week

  • Facebook users are twice as likely to be involved in campus activities

  • 20% experiencing a feeling of social connectedness among Facebook users

  • They are twice as likely to feel popular

  • 48% of students think they are sadder than their Facebook friends

  • 25% of college students show serious depression in their status updates

  • Students asked to not use social media for 24 hours reported signs of withdrawls such as frantically craving, very anxious, extremely atsy, miserable,  jittery and crazy

  • Facebook addiction is searched 350x more than cigarette addiction

  • Updating Facebook profiles boosts self esteem

  • Students who spend more time on Facebook are more narcissistic

  • 1 in 3 students use social media for study purposes

  • Facebook users study between 1-5 hours, non-users study between 11-15 hours

Is Social Media Ruining Students?


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