
Mar 21, 2011

Marketing Your Company with Social Media

By: Michael Sim

Amplify’d from

Marketing Your Company with Social Media

1) Strong Brand Presence

Since all social media websites are essentially a community, creating a distinct identity to resonate with your viewers will help you stand apart from your competitors. I’ve had a lot of people tell me “My logo is just fine. It resonates with my viewers, and there are a lot of reasons it works.” Well as much as that may be true, a logo in and of itself is simply the representative of the brand. A strong brand sets the standards for how all visual information is displayed either internally or to the target audience. A brand also makes connections with the cultural, rational, subliminal, and emotional qualities of the end-user. It identifies their needs, spending patterns, biases, influence, and much more. A strong brand summarizes the key values of the company, and translates that message into a visual presentation. I’ve noticed a good deal of my clients originally under the impression that branding is simply the quick efforts of a graphic designer creating a symbol and giving it a title. Know what you are paying for, and chances are if you’re paying $25-200, you’re not getting a brand. You’re getting a graphic designer’s “best shot” at getting it right (with a logo), without going through the true process to make your company look and feel like an industry leader.

A true identity consists of consistent high-quality design applied across a variety of media, such as:

Business Cards, Direct Mail, Post Cards, Envelopes, Letterheads, Mailing Labels, White Papers, Data Sheets, Business Plan, Flyers, and even Apparel. A logo should also be created using vector-based illustration program such as Adobe Illustrator, and should have the ability to be resized to any scale without losing resolution quality.

For logo design samples, please visit

1) Custom Twitter Background

Any use of your company name, or any marketing platform used should incorporate the company brand in some way. A Twitter background can also be strategically created to include a paragraph of info, links to the company website or other locations, and so on. It is a great opportunity to create an affinity for the brand by demonstrating consistency with the brand and distinction among other users. I create High-Quality Twitter Backgrounds for my clients as well. For samples and an overview of the service, please visit

2) Have a Professional Website

Display your company’s website on your Twitter profile. From my experience, Twitter can generate anywhere from 20-200 hits (or more) per day for your website (depending on how you use it). Also, take a look (using Google) at some of your competitors’ websites. Find out which companies are the “market leaders”, and do what you can to either replicate or build upon the tools and features they are using. For examples of website designs that we’ve created, please visit

3) Writing Your Bio

Fill your bio with content with relevant keywords, and make it simple and to-the-point. Try to include a City Name if possible, and the top features about your profession. This is your chance to establish yourself as an “expert” in your field, the leading service provider or manufacturer in your area, and so on. Be creative, but also take into consideration what terms other users might be searching for.


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