
Mar 21, 2011

Social Media Marketing Team Development

By: Michael Sim

Amplify’d from

Social Media Marketing Team Development

Social Media Cycle

1) Define Strategy

Identify which social media sites you will incorporate into your company work-flow, who will maintain those accounts, and what type of material you will be posting.

2) Establish Presence

Sign up with each of the chosen social media websites. Fill out all of the profile details and upload your personal or company profile image. On the sites that allow for it, customize the design, color, and layout to be consistent with your company brand.

3) Identify Tools

Many different social networking sites allow for certain 3rd party tools that enhance the experience and marketing potential with these services. Identifying the tools that will work for your cause is important to streamline productivity. Three application-types that we utilize are: Automated updates, social management, and networking building.

4) Build Network

With many of the right tools in place, there are still many times where you will have to personally partake in building your social network of followers/friends. The tools listed above will assist in doing so, however it often requires your personal attention to generate the best results. In social media terms, a network usually consists of individuals who are considered followers, friends, or subscribers of your social media profile.

5) Build Relationships

Adding people to your networks for the purpose of marketing has no value if the people within those lists do not have some form of relationship with you or your company. Social networking presents you with the opportunity to capitalize on the opt-in and non-invasive marketing effect of personalized engagement. By establishing your company as a resource of information, advice, or expertise on a given subject matter, the more influential your business will be over your target audience. The more trust that there is built between a viewer and the business, the more likely the viewer will either directly do business with, or refer to others whenever the opportunity arises.

6) Maintenance

Social media marketing is not simply a "set-up and forget" type of marketing environment. It is a fast-paced and constantly evolving atmosphere that requires human interaction to reach its full potential. The tools listed above do in fact make many of the tedious tasks much simpler to manage. However, without regular updating and maintenance, your company's social media marketing potential will steadily decrease over time.


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