
Mar 21, 2011

Social Networking Campaign Preparation

By: Michael Sim

Amplify’d from

Social Networking Campaign Preparation

Before initiating a social media campaign, there are a few very important factors to consider in order to maximize the potential of your efforts. Below is a list that will help you prepare yourself for the world of social network marketing:

1) Understand Target Audience

1) Age group/bracket

2) General Financial Bracket

3) Gender, ethnicity, and orientation (if applicable)

4) Psychographics & buying patterns

5) General location of target client/consumer

6) Identify specific sectors that can be eliminated from consideration

7) What associations, clubs, or organizations do my target audience members belong to?

8) What events, conferences, lectures, or other gatherings do my target audience members attend?

9) What publications, broadcasts, advertisements, or websites do my target audience members view or respond to?

10) What social media websites do my target audience members most frequent?

2) ROI & Metrics

1) Prior to initiation, how many sales were made without using social networking last month?

2) Determine how social networking increased page views to the company website.

3) Determine how many new leads or sales were made through the use of social networking.

4) How have operation costs been reduced by implementing of social networking?

5) Determine retention estimates: number of bookmarks, downloads of company material, etc.

6) How many new members/followers/friends/subscribers have company profiles accumulated?

7) Which social media networks work best for the company? Adjust the time spent on each.

8) Track which updates received the most views/clicks. Then modify or update campaign accordingly.

9) Identify status of competition, and set goals to reflect or improve their marketing techniques.

10) Determine growth objectives and adjust campaign to achieve the new goals.


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