
Apr 19, 2011

Top Greasemonkey Scripts for Business

Amplify’d from

The Top Greasemonkey Scripts for Business

First and foremost: What is a Greasemonkey? Greasemonkey is a custom script add-on to the popular web browser Firefox. It allows independent developers and programmers to customize the user experience and interface of a wide variety of websites. After installing Greasemonkey, simply visit the links listed below to view the script that you would like to install.

However, before getting started, I strongly suggest moving over to Chrome. If you're a social media person like myself, then use Rockmelt. It's built with Chrome, but it does a much better job of side-panels (edges) for allowing you to display your favorite task icons.

Then install TamperMonkey (Chrome equivalent of Greasemonkey for FF)

*These scripts work with either browser type. Rockmelt and/or Chrome are just my preferred browsers.

**Use these scripts at your own risk. Read all reviews before installation.

***Many of the scripts below are being recreated as Chrome Extensions. Check to see if there is an equivalent first.

1. - Facebook Invites: Invite people on Facebook to be a friend. Be VERY careful using this though, as Facebooks TOS will shut you down if you get carried away with inviting everyone you see. If you need to know how to use it, post a question in Quora to me, and I'll do my best to give you a walk-through. Suggestion, do not use bulk add, instead use the option to middle-button click people and add via their profile. No more than 20-30 adds per day MAX.

2. - Greased Lightbox: Everyone loves the lightbox image gallery feature (click thumb, screen darkens, image appears). This script adds it to nearly every instance on the web where there is an image gallery, Google Image Search, Flickr, Wikipedia, MySpace, deviantART and more.

3. - Google Multi-Account Login: If you use more than one Gmail account, this script allows you to quickly switch back and forth between them.

4. - Remove Facebook Ads: Does what it says... removes Facebook Ads using inline CSS (hides divs that contain ads)

5. - Facebook Fixer - Enhancements for Facebook: bigger profile pictures and photos, easier viewing of albums, links to download videos, showing people's age and sign, google calendar integration, bookmarks, keyboard shortcuts & more. Fully customizable!

The following content is sourced from the following blog post: Best Greasemonkey Scripts

- Blogger -

- Bloglines -

- -

  • Prettifier – Drastically improves the look of

  • Dejalicious – Tells you if the site you are looking at is already in your bookmarks (adds + or -)

  • – Adds the websites favicon next to its bookmark.

- Digg -

  • Comment Box Sidebar – Makes the comment box appear where you are currently at rather than at the top of the page.

  • Diggmenu – Adds a Digg menu to your browser.

  • DuggMirror – Changes all Digg links to their DiggMirror links automatically so you never have to worry about broken links again.

  • – Adds a “Save It” button just below the “Digg It” button allowing you to click to add to

  • Digg Comment Helper – Highlights the most popular comments.

  • Google Search – Replaces Digg’s search engine with Google search.

  • Hide Buried Comments – Hides all buried comments (and their offspring).

  • Reddit on Digg – Adds Reddit comments for the same article to the equivalent Digg article.

- eBay -

  • Currency Conversion – Converts all currency to your currency of choice. Great for finding out how much you will have to pay for auctions and such that are listed under another currency.

- Facebook -

  • Facebook Auto-login – Automatically logs you in to Facebook.

  • Facebook Fixer – Makes profile pictures larger, shows additional menu items, adds people’s age to their profiles, and changes redirected links to direct links.

  • Facebook Remove Feed Advertisements – Removes the feed advertisements on your Facebook feed.

  • Facebook Auto-Colorizer – Changes the pages colors to match the dominant colors in the picture on each profile page.

  • Make Facebook Green – Allows you to change Facebook to green (or any color if you add a hexadecimal number to the javascript).

  • No Facebook Apps -Makes it so you don’t have to see Facebook applications when you view Facebook profiles.

- Firefox -

- Flickr -

  • FlickrBox – Enhances browsing on Flickr.

  • Flickr Image Blocker – Blocks annoying hovering images over the picture (to prevent you from saving the images).

  • Flickr Photo Magnifier – Adds a small rectangular magnifier allowing you to see greater detail on Flickr images.

  • Flickr Shades – Changes Flickr to white letters on a black background. You can customize the script to colors of your choice.

  • Multi Group Sender – Overrides the Send to Group button allowing you to send to multiple groups.

- GMail -

Google AdSense -

  • AdSense EPC/CPC – Shows the cost-per-click (aka earnings-per-click) you’re getting on the AdSensereports page.

  • Prevent Accidental Clicks – Makes it so you can’t accidentally click on your own advertisements on your website.

  • Google Ads Remover – Blocks every Google Ad including SERP’s.

- Google Docs and Spreadsheets -

- iGoogle (Personalized Homepage) -

  • BeautyBlue – Nice blue theme for your iGoogle page.

  • Google IG Max – Maximizes the removal of extra space to save room. Removes headers, footers, along with reducing the size of many elements on this page.

  • More Rounded Corners – Allows you to round the corners of your modules.

  • Remove Extra Space – Removes all the extra space on your iGoogle homepage.

  • Remove the Header – Allows you to remove all module headers. You can also remove the footer with this script.

  • Remove the Plus – Removes the + symbol next to each link within the modules.

  • Replacing the Google Logo – Allows you to put any image where the iGoogle logo is (requires some hard coding).

  • Resizeable Columns – Allows you to resize your homepage’s columns to look how you want.

  • Transparencies – Makes the header image transparent to improve the look of your homepage.

- Google Maps -

  • GZoom – Allows you to zoom beyond the normal limits.

- Google Reader -

- Google Search -

  • Ultimate Google Search – Script organizes Google search results into two columns, numbers them, grabs each website’s icon, and much more.

  • GoogleEnlarge – Hover over a Google image to see an enlarged version of the image in a pop up.

  • Google AutoPager – Eliminates the “Next Page” button and automatically loads the next pages results at the bottom of your page. (Works with the Google Preview extension for Firefox)

  • Google Two Column – Displays search results in two columns (Ideal for people with wide screen monitors)

  • Google 100 – Shows the first 100 search results instead of the default 10. You can also show a different number of results by doing the following 4 steps:

    1. Visit

    2. Go to Tools -> Greasemonkey -> User Script Commands.

    3. Choose “Set Google Results Per Page”.

    4. Enter a number between 1 and 100.

- Miscellaneous -

- StumbleUpon -

  • Best Friends – Create an area for your top StumbleUpon friends, just like on other popular social networks. There’s no limit to the number of best friends you can add, but no one else will see them. Your friends are arranged in alphabetical order.

  • Count Likes – Adds the number of “Likes” to the Preference and About sections of StumbleUpon.

  • Stumbles – Allows users to add links to, then click a link to Stumble all bookmarks.

  • Quick Tag – Suggests popular tags and personal tags to help you tag your links faster.

  • Preview Posts – Adds a preview button to the StumbleUpon forums and your personal Inbox.

  • Tag Toplist – Displays a top list of the most-used tags, and allows you to sort sort alphabetically or by tag count.

  • WYSIWYG – Formats your reviews and comments in a WYSIWG editor.

- Wikipedia -

  • Wikipedia Animate – Powerful script that animates the history of changes on the Wikipedia article. It highlights recent changes and provides a timeline slider.

- WordPress -

- YouTube -


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